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Finished in 2024


Sam Watson (Excel in Science Intern 2023-2024)

Sam undertook an internship in the Pilgrim in the second year of his Biochemistry degree as part of the ‘Excel in Science’ programme.

Finished in 2023

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Yucong Fan (MRes 2022-2023)

Yucong was originally from Ningxia, China. After passing this MRes with No Corrections in the group, Yucong went back to China and to work in a tech company making photoresists in the city of Shanghai.


Dr Marysia Tarnowska (PhD Student 2018-2023)​

Marysia passed their PhD viva in 2023. Marysia's thesis was entitled "The supramolecular chemistry of handcuff rotaxanes and deteriorating leather". Many thanks to their examiners Prof. Anna Slater and Prof. Pete Licence.

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Alex Wakeling (RSC Summer Student 2022 and MSci Project Student 2022-2023)

After working in the group for both an RSC Bursary funded summer project and for his MSci project, Alex decided to take a break before looking into graduate schemes.

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Sophie McNeil (MSci Project Student 2022-2023)

After doing her fourth year MSci project on her Natural Sciences degree in the group, Sophie moved on to study for her PGCE in Essex to become a chemistry teacher. Sophie also received a prestigious scholarship from the RSC to support her teacher training. 

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Honorary Group Member Newton (RIP)

We were very sad to have to say goodbye to Newton in October 2023. He will be remembered for his love of catching balls, fondness of sausages, and always being so happy to see you and wanting to play. We miss you so much.

Finished in 2022

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Marie Poujade (Visiting Student spring/summer 2022)

Marie came from Orléans, France and visited for a six month internship from her studies in chemistry and engineering in Marseille, to which she returned afterwards to complete her studies. 


Eizam Zamiruddin (Visiting Student summer 2022)

Eizam came from Selangor, Malaysia. He visited in summer 2022 as part of his master’s degree in INSA Rouen, France and returned their afterwards to finish a double masters in organic synthesis.


Camille Bonhomme (Visiting Student summer 2022)

Camille visited in the summer of 2022 and came from Nantes, France. After her visit she returned to complete her chemistry course at INSA Rouen, France with a final semester in South Korea.


Dr Nathan Andersen (PhD Student 2018-2022)

Nathan passed his PhD viva in 2022. Nathan's thesis was entitled "Using Mechanical Bonds to Probe Molecular Interactions". Many thanks to his examiners Prof. Paul Beer and Prof. Jon McMaster. 

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Taylor Monckton (MSci Project Student 2020-2021 and First Year PhD Student 2021-2022)

Taylor completed an MSci project in the group. After subsequently starting his PhD in the group, Taylor realised that PhD studies were not for him and he was supported into purusing an alternative career. He obtained a job as a Fundraising and Development Office Administrator with the Institute of Development Studies within a few weeks of finishing with us. 

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Joseph Stones (BBSRC DTP rotation sutdent 2022)

After his rotation, Joe joined the group of Prof. Helen Knight to work on a PhD on the role of Epigenomic Mechanisms and Microproteins in Cognitive Ageing.

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Emma Bowley (MSci Project Student 2021-2022)

After her MSci project, Emma moved to the University of Glasgow to undertake a PhD in Chemistry on Multicomponent Supramolecular Gels.

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Thomas Dixon (MSci Project Student 2021-2022)

After his MSci project, Thomas got a job with Stanhope-Seta, an analytical instrumentation company based in Chertsey, Surrey.

Finished in 2021

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George Earl (MSci Project Student 2020-2021)

After his MSci in the group, George stayed at the University of Nottingham to study for a PhD in Resilient Decarbonised Fuel Energy Systems with Prof. Colin Snape.

Finished in 2020


Luke Bousique-Green (MSci Project Student 2019-2020)


After his time in the group, Luke took on the role of a Business Graduate at Car Benefit Solutions.

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